Spring Refresh Do's & Don'ts

Spring is in the air! This spring marks my family’s second full year living in British Columbia and we’re embracing all the perks of Okanagan living...including the gear that goes with it! Ski season hasn’t quite ended, but now golf season is opening up. It’s BBQ season, and soon camping, patio and swim season. With so many outdoor pursuits to enjoy, where is one to fit in spring cleaning?

Prompted by hosting guests, I’ve turned my attention to seasonal refreshes this week. As a mom, and Designer/Professional Organizer, I likely have more systems and time for upkeep than most, but admittedly still have moments of overwhelm and frustration dealing with home maintenance and our family’s things/messes.

If merely the thought of spring cleaning overwhelms you while juggling commitments to work, family and community, I hope I can offer motivation, strategies and hacks to make the most of your time. I know you’ll reap the rewards of any time you can carve out to reset and refresh your home’s hard-working areas with the seasons. Any effort you put in, will help bring ease to your day to day as your routines change and prevent you from even more overwhelming home to-dos down the road.

Here are my top Spring Refresh Dos and Don’ts that work equally well on the job, as they do to cut through my own occasional overwhelm in our family’s home.

  • Don’t strive for perfection, trying to do it all…Do identify goals and align your tasks around your priorities and deadlines. (Sample priorities may include: home maintenance & repair, seasonal wardrobe resets, getting outdoor spaces ready, garage reorganization.)

  • Don’t go on a tear taking things apart without a plan…Do focus on priority areas and ensure you block off the time and extra hands you need to achieve your goals.

  • Don’t underestimate the physical toll it takes… Do stay hydrated, have healthy snacks handy, listen to upbeat music, take breaks for fresh air, and pace yourself for larger projects.

  • Don’t let the overwhelm hold you back…Do identify your ideal starting point: either a small area to build momentum (think junk drawer or bedside table), OR go straight to the bottleneck (e.g. overflowing storage space) for a high impact way to free up space.

  • Don’t dwell on what you didn’t do…Do find ways to recognize and celebrate progress (like taking before and after photos, buying fresh flowers, enjoying a long bath, getting a special takeout meal, or inviting guests to enjoy the refreshed space).

  • Don’t be hard on your family…Do make time with others who can help and involve your family with positivity and patience. Keep in mind that everyone has messes, but all your little efforts add up. If other family members have limited time, focus on things you can take ownership of.

  • Don’t spend hours simply reorganizing…Do make a point of editing as you go, and incorporate bins and labels for systems that stick. (We repurpose what’s there and use masking tape and sharpies for speed, before investing in select new pieces and printed labels as needed.)

  • Don’t hold onto things out of guilt…Do remember that your space and mental energy is more valuable than most things, so be selective about what you give space and time.

  • Don’t haul donations around in your car forever or take up space with things you might sell one day…Do identify a plan to get things out of your house so others can use and enjoy them—as swiftly and efficiently as possible. (We take a truckload of donations upon completion of our services.)

Garage Organization

Want to supercharge your organizing time? We are here to work alongside you to declutter, reorganize, refresh your systems and recommend solutions. Still feeling stuck or uninspired? Join our mailing list for info about our upcoming event, where we can help set you off on the right path to tackle your specific organizational challenges.

Sarah Grant